Crafted Review: Fiskars Cutter and Ruler Combo
The packaging claims the cutter can get through 8 layers of fabric. So naturally I grabbed some calico and folded it until it had 8 layers. HOLY MOLY….
Pick up your orange blade holder from the cutter and place it over the blade change tool.
Wanna see more? I’m making a cute little project using the cutter. I’ll have it up on the blog in the next few days so make sure you check back soon!
For more into on either of these super cool crafting tools head over to the Fiskars website.
DISCLAIMER: I was not paid for this review. I was given a cutter to try out and show you guys but there was ZERO dollars involved. I will only promote a product if I genuinely believe in it’s awesomeness. That’s not to say I’m not open to being paid. I need money to feed my craft obsession, just like all the other creatives out there. If you’re interested in sponsoring Crafted or would like to pay me to write something for you I’d totally be interested. But I DO have to like your product. If I don’t feel like it’s the right fit for the Crafted community then I won’t take your money. No matter how much. Seriously. 🙂
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